Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
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Universitas Lampung
Kampoeng Livestock is a network of institutions Dhuafa Wallet Republika (DD), a non-profit organization that
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M. Arifin, Liman ., K. Adhianto
The aims of the research is done to study the influence of
additional concentrate with the difference crude protein value on bassal
ration to the performance Boerawa goat – pasca weaning. The goat used
is Boerawa goat - pasca weaning was used as many as 20 goats with
average beginning weight 18,25 ± 6,13 kg/goats from Gisting. This
research uses randomized block design, consists of four treatments, R0=
bassal ration, R1= R0 (60%) + concentrate A (40%), R2= R0 (60%) +
concentrate B (40%), and R3= R0 (60%) + concentrate C (40%), with five
replications. The fresh water was given Boerawa goat by ad libitum during
the research. The result of the research shows: there was significant
effect (P<0,01) of additional concentrate on bassal ration for the
feeding consumption of Boerawa goat – pasca weaning, on the contrary
there were no significant effect (P>0,05) for the increasing of body
weight, protein efficiency ratio, and feeding conversion.
Key word: concentrate, performance, crude protein, Boerawa goat.
Key word: concentrate, performance, crude protein, Boerawa goat.
Penampilan Reproduksi (Service Per Conception, Lama Kebuntingan Dan Selang Beranak) Kambing Boerawa Di Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Dan Kecamatan Gisting
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Penampilan Reproduksi (Service Per Conception, Lama Kebuntingan Dan Selang Beranak) Kambing Boerawa Di Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Dan Kecamatan Gisting
Adi Sulaksono, Sri Suharyati, Purnama Edy Santosa
The purpose of this research is to know data about the reproduction performance (service per conception,
conception rate and calving interval) of Boerawa goat in Gedong Tataan
and Gisting District. This research used survey method. The primary and
secondary data was used analyzed by descrptively. The result showed that
the service per conception in Gedong Tataan District is 1,35
and in Gisting District is 1,34; conception rate in Gedong Tataan
District is 157,1 days and in Gisting District in 154,7 days; and
calving interval in Gedong Tataan District is 277,123 days and in
Gisting District is 240,245 days.
Key words: Boerawa Goat, service per conception, conception rate, calving interval
Key words: Boerawa Goat, service per conception, conception rate, calving interval
Estimasi Parameter Genetik Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa di Kabupaten Tanggamus Propinsi Lampung (Genetic Parameters Estimation on Growth Traits of Boerawa Goat at Tanggamus Regency Lampung Province)
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Estimasi Parameter Genetik Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa di Kabupaten Tanggamus Propinsi Lampung (Genetic Parameters Estimation on Growth Traits of Boerawa Goat at Tanggamus Regency Lampung Province)
Veronika Yuneriati Beyleto, Sumadi (Sumadi), Tety Hartatik
This research was conducted to estimate heritability,
repeatability and genetic correlation values on growth traits of Boerawa
goat at Sumber Rejeki farmer group at Campang Village, Gisting District
and Karya Makmur I and Karya Makmur II farmer group at Wonoharjo and
Sukoharjo Village, Sumber Rejo District, Tanggamus regency, Lampung
province. Data consisted of production record and 238 Boerawa goat
derived from 93 PE and 7 Boer buck.
The research was started on October 30, 2009 up to January 30, 2010. The results indicated that heritability value of birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weigth, average of preweaning daily gain, and average of postweaning weight
analyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.80±0.40; 0.30±0.17; 0.80±0.04; 0.32±0.18 and 0.30±0.17, respectively. The repeatability values of birth weight, weaning weight and yearling weight analyzed based on two
recording per every dam were 0.42±0.07; 0.32±0.08; 0.30±0.08; 0.30±0.08 and 0.53±0.06. The genetic correlation values among birth weight and weaning weight, birth weight and yearling weight, weaning weight and yearling weight,
average of preweaning weight and postweaning weight daily gain analyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.50±0.04; 0.44±0.08; 0.21±0.03 and 0.20±0.05, respectively. The result also indicated that the heritability and
repeatability values was high and the genetic correlation values were moderate to high.
(Key words: Boerawa goat, Genetic parameter, Growth character)
The research was started on October 30, 2009 up to January 30, 2010. The results indicated that heritability value of birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weigth, average of preweaning daily gain, and average of postweaning weight
analyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.80±0.40; 0.30±0.17; 0.80±0.04; 0.32±0.18 and 0.30±0.17, respectively. The repeatability values of birth weight, weaning weight and yearling weight analyzed based on two
recording per every dam were 0.42±0.07; 0.32±0.08; 0.30±0.08; 0.30±0.08 and 0.53±0.06. The genetic correlation values among birth weight and weaning weight, birth weight and yearling weight, weaning weight and yearling weight,
average of preweaning weight and postweaning weight daily gain analyzed by paternal half-sibs correlation were 0.50±0.04; 0.44±0.08; 0.21±0.03 and 0.20±0.05, respectively. The result also indicated that the heritability and
repeatability values was high and the genetic correlation values were moderate to high.
(Key words: Boerawa goat, Genetic parameter, Growth character)
Productivity PERFORMAN INDEX AND HOME AND BOERAWA Goat Goat hybrid maintenance ETAWA TO PEOPLE
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Productivity PERFORMAN INDEX AND HOME AND BOERAWA Goat Goat hybrid maintenance ETAWA TO PEOPLE
Jurusan Produksi Ternak Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung
Telp/Faks (0721) 773552, email: nalhkad69@plasa.com atau jptfp@unila.ac.id Phone / Fax (0721) 773552, email: nalhkad69@plasa.com or jptfp@unila.ac.id
This research was conducted to evaluate and to compare the performance of Boerawa does and Etawa Grade does, ie: (a) This research was conducted to Evaluate and to compare the performance of Boerawa and does Etawa Grade does, ie: (a)
weaning weight, (b) litter size, (c) kidding interval, and d) does productivity index. weaning weight, (b) litter size, (c) kidding interval, and d) does productivity index.
This research was conducted on June 2006 in Campang Village, Gisting District, Tanggamus Regency. This research was conducted on June 2006 in Campang Village, Gisting District, Tanggamus Regency. Survey methode was Survey was methode
used to get the material research including recording of mating, birthday, birth weight, and weaning weight of thirty Boerawa used to get the research materials, including recording of mating, birthday, birth weight, and weaning weight of thirty Boerawa
does and thirty Etawa grade that burning twice and three time of kidding. does and that thirty Etawa grade twice and three burning time of kidding.
The result showed that average of Boerawa weaning weight (17,88±0,77 kg) bigger (P<0,05) than Etawa Grade (16,30±1,21 The result showed that average Boerawa of weaning weight (17.88 ± 0.77 kg) bigger (P <0.05) than Etawa Grade (16.30 ± 1.21
kg). kg). Kidding interval of Boerawa does (11,77±0,41 month) did not differ (P>0,05) from Etawa Grade does (11,82±0,48). Kidding interval of Boerawa does (11.77 ± 0.41 month) did not differ (P> 0.05) from Grade Etawa does (11.82 ± 0.48). Litter Litter
size of Boerawa does (1,71±0,37 ekor) did not differ (P>0,05) from Etawa Grade does (1,57±0,28). size of Boerawa does (1.71 ± 0.37 tail) did not differ (P> 0.05) from Grade Etawa does (1.57 ± 0.28). The result indicated also The result also indicated
that productivity index of Boerawa does (30,14±7,31 kg) higher (P<0,05) than of Etawa Grade (25,28±5,25 kg). index of productivity that does Boerawa (30.14 ± 7.31 kg) higher (P <0.05) than of Etawa Grade (25.28 ± 5.25 kg).
Keywords: Performance, Boerawa and PE goat, Does productivity index Keywords: Performance, Boerawa and PE goat, Does productivity index
http://lemlit.unila.ac.id http://lemlit.unila.ac.id
Nilai Pemuliaan Sifat-Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa Grade 1-4 Pada Tahapan Grading Up Kambing Peranakan Etawah Betina Oleh Pejantan Boer
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Pemuliaan Sifat-Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa Grade 1-4 Pada
Tahapan Grading Up Kambing Peranakan Etawah Betina Oleh Pejantan Boer
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung
Dibuat: 2007-12-28
Penelitian dilakukan pada populasi kambing milik anggota kelompok tani Sumber ezeki, Desa Campang I, Kecamatan Gisting, Kabupaten Tanggamus dengan metode eksperimental. Tujuan penelitian secara keseluruhan adalah embandingkan performans pertumbuhan, performans reproduksi, performans produksi, dan mutu genetik kambing Boerawa (Saburai ) Grade 2 (G2) dengan ambing Saburai Filial 1 (F1). Pengamatan tahun pertama dimulai 4 Januari ampai dengan 15 September 2007 dengan tujuan membandingkan performans ambing Saburai G2 dengan Saburai FI. Bahan penelitian terdiri dari 30 ekor ambing Saburai G2 dan 30 ekor Saburai Filial 1 (F1) betina yang sudah beranak satu kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performans pertumbuhan (ratarata obot lahir =3,83 ± 0,13 kg, bobot sapih=24,62 ± 0,93 kg, dan bobot ahunan = 41,28 ± 1,87 kg) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada Saburai Fl (rata-rata bobot lahir = 2,87 ± 0,15 kg, bobot sapih=24,01 ± 1,35 kg, dan bobot setahunan = 38,38 ± 0,94 kg ). Performans reproduksi (efisiensi reproduksi 115,38 ± 12,31 %, service per conception=1,200 ± 0,407 kali, dan litter ize=1,94 ± 0,28 ekor ) lebih baik (P<0,05) daripada kambing Saburai F1(efisiensi reproduksi = 113,17 ± 6,69 %, service per conception=1,80 ± 0,61 kali, an litter size=1,67 ± 0,01 ekor ). Performans produksi (nilai Daya Produktivitas induk = 28,61 ± 2,46 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk =77,90 ± 11,28 kg,) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Boerawa (Saburai) Fl (Daya Produktivitas Induk = 25,69 ± 1,50 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk = 70,84 ± 11,90 kg). Mutu genetik (Nilai Pemuliaan = 25,78 ± 1,89 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability pada bobot sapih= 24,80 ± 0,63 kg ) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Saburai F1 (Nilai Pemuliaan = 22,71 ± 0,76 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability =22,71 ± 0,71 kg). Disimpulkan bahwa performans kambing Saburai G2 lebih baik daripada Saburai Fl.
June 6, 2009
Oleh: Sulastri,Ir.Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung
Dibuat: 2007-12-28
Penelitian dilakukan pada populasi kambing milik anggota kelompok tani Sumber ezeki, Desa Campang I, Kecamatan Gisting, Kabupaten Tanggamus dengan metode eksperimental. Tujuan penelitian secara keseluruhan adalah embandingkan performans pertumbuhan, performans reproduksi, performans produksi, dan mutu genetik kambing Boerawa (Saburai ) Grade 2 (G2) dengan ambing Saburai Filial 1 (F1). Pengamatan tahun pertama dimulai 4 Januari ampai dengan 15 September 2007 dengan tujuan membandingkan performans ambing Saburai G2 dengan Saburai FI. Bahan penelitian terdiri dari 30 ekor ambing Saburai G2 dan 30 ekor Saburai Filial 1 (F1) betina yang sudah beranak satu kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performans pertumbuhan (ratarata obot lahir =3,83 ± 0,13 kg, bobot sapih=24,62 ± 0,93 kg, dan bobot ahunan = 41,28 ± 1,87 kg) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada Saburai Fl (rata-rata bobot lahir = 2,87 ± 0,15 kg, bobot sapih=24,01 ± 1,35 kg, dan bobot setahunan = 38,38 ± 0,94 kg ). Performans reproduksi (efisiensi reproduksi 115,38 ± 12,31 %, service per conception=1,200 ± 0,407 kali, dan litter ize=1,94 ± 0,28 ekor ) lebih baik (P<0,05) daripada kambing Saburai F1(efisiensi reproduksi = 113,17 ± 6,69 %, service per conception=1,80 ± 0,61 kali, an litter size=1,67 ± 0,01 ekor ). Performans produksi (nilai Daya Produktivitas induk = 28,61 ± 2,46 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk =77,90 ± 11,28 kg,) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Boerawa (Saburai) Fl (Daya Produktivitas Induk = 25,69 ± 1,50 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk = 70,84 ± 11,90 kg). Mutu genetik (Nilai Pemuliaan = 25,78 ± 1,89 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability pada bobot sapih= 24,80 ± 0,63 kg ) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Saburai F1 (Nilai Pemuliaan = 22,71 ± 0,76 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability =22,71 ± 0,71 kg). Disimpulkan bahwa performans kambing Saburai G2 lebih baik daripada Saburai Fl.
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